Tuesday, September 30, 2014
the struggle is real
Monday, September 29, 2014
First Test
3rd Blog post-The First test!
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Weekly blog post 3
Week 3 blog post
Alright so the first test last week... it really wasnt that bad. Although I took a very long time finishing it, I feel I did decent on it. The only thing that seemed unclear to me were the inverse function methods of proving and whatnot. Overall, not too bad for the first test.
Moment of clarity
Finally understanding
This week I finally started to understand how all this math stuff worked and I not as confused as I was last week.
reflection. blog post 3
Week 3
Reflection of this week
Blog post 3
third post - JBreezy
Week 3
Blog post - Rose
Week 3: Moment of Clarity
Week three
Week 3
Week 3
--Remember, if you give up on yourself, you give up on the world.--
Week 2: option 3
Something new I learned
friday test
the test
Week 3
3rd blog post
Third Week Blog Post
Third blog post
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Third Blog Post
week 3
Week 3
I think the test went well. I really liked all the practice because I felt like I had it down I just still needed a little bit of work. Overall I didn't really struggle this week.
Muddy Point: Week 3
Muddiest Point
Week 3 - Reflection
Friday, September 26, 2014
3rd post: Lightbulb moment
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Lightbulb moment
3rd post
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Light Bulb
2nd blog post
3rd blog post
Blog post
Monday, September 22, 2014
2nd Blog Post
Second blog post
2nd blog post
2nd Post
2nd post
2nd post
Sunday, September 21, 2014
2nd post
Second blog
Blog Post 2
2nd Blog Post
2nd blog post
Mathmatical Epiphany
2nd blog post
Blogpost 2
Week two (muddy point)
week 1
Muddy Point- Week 1
Moment of Clarity
Weekly blog post
Moment of Clarity
Muddy point this week
Week 2
Muddiest Point
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Second blog post
Week 2-Muddiest Point
My muddiest point this week most likely would have been the quiz. I have NEVER studied for math before in my life! So, as usual, I did not study for this one either. Looking back at it now, I see that I would have done so much better if I would have studied every day like Mr. Jackson wants us to do. After receiving my grade, I understand now that i cannot just assume that i am going to receive 100% on every quiz I take. Now, I have looked over my notes as much as I can and feel as if I am understanding most of the unit so far. I did have my moments when i forgot how to write interval notation or struggled with this new concept of combining and composition of functions, then looked back at the notes I wrote(which helped a lot).
Week 2 - Moment of clarity
Weekly blog option 2
Well it was the day we had gotten our quizzes back and to see what I got all I had felt was disappointment and dumb. After looking over the quiz and going back over some of the problems and taking my time making sure not to mess any little detail up, i noticed right away what I had done wrong and was rather angry at myself for making such stupid little mistakes. While no matter what I would have still gotten the last problem wrong, the other two that I only got half credit on could have been completely avoided and I would have been much happier with my grade. I learned that even when the quiz is unexpected and timed, I still need to be careful about the problems and make sure I have done all of the steps right without missing and little detail that could change the answer. The good thing is that when looking around and asking others, it seemed as if I wasn't the only one who was not proud of what grade they had received. So while I may have done bad on that particular quiz I am still around where the class is in general, meaning I am not falling behind. The only thing now is to wait for the next quiz or even the test and make sure I do a tremendous job on it.
week two
Friday, September 19, 2014
Second Blog Post
Week 2
Remember, if you give up on yourself, you give up on the world.
Garlic Onion Flavor Gum
Week 2 blog post
Second Blog Post (9/19/14)
Second blog post!
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Second Blog Post
I know you're frustrated...
Do you:
1. Just want to make it through it.
2. Develop a deeper understanding of mathematics.
3. Become a better student in all of your classes.
4. Increase your awareness of those around you and show compassion.
5. Get rewarded just for showing up.
6. I'll take whatever I want from this class, you can't tell me what to do.
7. All of the above.
8. #'s 2-4 with a little #1 if possible.
Remember, I'm here for you. I'm on "your side." We need to go to battle together. Maybe a little motivation is necessary.
"I am Mr Jackson. And I see a whole army of students, here in defiance of tyranny! You have come to fight as free men & women. And free man & woman you are! What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?"
"We risk failure & humiliation!" - a veteran student shouted. "No! We will run - and keep face!"
"Yes!" Jackson shouted back. "Fight and you may fail. Run and you will at least last a while without fear of frustration & anxiety. And dying in your bed many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance, to come back here as young men & women and tell our enemies that they may take our time & energy but they will never take our freedom!"
-adapted from a speech from William Wallace.
You are the future and I believe that you can do so much more than what the previous generation gives you credit. Please...believe in yourself. This is just math. There are real solutions here. Life is much more complicated and will challenge you much more than I can ever do in 12 weeks.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Chewing Gum
Monday, September 15, 2014
I've never been more frightened than when..
In 5 years
Luckily I am not afraid of the water now but I will never forget how real that nightmare felt.
My Favorite Childhood Toy
my hero: first post thing
favorite toy
I have never been more frightened then when...
My weirdest dream #4
I was swimming at a community pool one day. I dried myself off as I got out and who do I meet? Robin Williams. I became really good friends with him. When I heard the news of his death I was absolutely crushed and didn't know what to do with myself. That night I went to bed and when I woke up the next morning, I was at the community pool again and met Robin Williams. Somehow time got turned back or something. This time when I met him, I tried my best to help him through what he was going through. But despite my efforts, I heard the news of his death once more, and was extremely upset. This whole thing kept happening until I woke up (really). I was just really frustrated and upset because there was absolutely no resolution no matter what I did to help. I dunno...all my dreams are weird and frustrating.
3 goals I've set for myself
5 years from now
Chewing Gum
Noah Kuntner
Sunday, September 14, 2014
3 Goals: First Blog
- Stay involved with my family and keep my friendships= I am very close to my family and I hope that it will stay that way. Along with that, I would not like to loose connection with my friends and maintain our relationships as I get older.
- Have a good career that I enjoy= I would like to possibly get a job having to do with law enforcement. This being said, I would hopefully make a decent amount of money so that I can do my third goal...
- Travel the world= As we all know that we only have one life to live, I would like to spend it seeing the world. It would be an adventure! Traveling the world might not be considered a goal so I am saying that it would make me very continent. This being said, my third overall goal is to be happy! :)
Worst Nightmare
Well, where do I honestly begin. I was oh, I don't know fifteen when this happened. I was but a piece of the background only able to watch as this, "monster" in human clothing was creating chaos. Everywhere it went, I had to follow, and watch. Watch as everyone I knew or had even just barely met were being killed in front of me. I couldn't do anything but watch and scream in silence. I tried to tell them to run, yet no one could hear me. I had no idea who the man was for they had on a hood that darkened out their face. All I could see was that when he would or was about to kill someone he would gain this wicked smile where all you could see was the glint off his teeth as he stained himself and his surroundings with blood. He would tear people apart, cut them up, shoot them, the methods this killer had seemed to be unlimited. When he had moved on to people I was much more familiar with such as my closer friends, I kept screaming, yelling for them to run, yet still no reaction. When the stranger had approached them I noticed that they seemed to recognize the man; not as a known killer but as if he was a regular man. I kept thinking and thinking of who the person could be, yet I could think of nothing. I tried to turn around, tried to close my eyes, yet I was forced to watch the horrendous sight of this man killing all my friends. By this point I was in tears, yet it would only get worse. As the man moved on to his next victims, wiping the blood of my friends off of himself and just leaving the bodies where they were slain, he went next to my family. My mom, my dad, and my brother. When he entered the house my family was there waiting for their end. While I could visibly see how terrified they were, in my parents eyes I could see what appeared to be disappointment hiding behind the terror. Why? why would my parents have that in their eyes? They were disappointed in their killer and in themselves. As the man was killing them and their blood was being splattered and sprayed throughout the room, I was thinking, and had come to a conclusion I had wished never to be true. The tears I had kept falling as I realized who the killer truly was. There was still a possibility that I was wrong and I hoped and hoped that I was wrong. Finally, I saw the man wipe some of the splattered blood off of the mirror and my question was answered. I was the killer. All those people who had died had died by my own hand. While I was watching myself in the mirror I noticed that all of a sudden I was in control of my own body again. With the gun still in my hand I shakily held it up to my head and kept chanting the same words. Starting at a whisper and gradually turning into yelling I kept repeating the words, "I'm Sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. God forgive me." I pulled the trigger and woke up screaming. I was crying so much. I felt so fatigued. I couldn't believe what I had done. Be in a dream or not. To know that any one can become a killer even yourself is a truly horrifying fact. To learn what it feels like to be so disgusted at yourself for what you had thought you had done. This dream, this nightmare I could honestly say was something that changed my life. I look around in life and am thankful that what I saw was just a dream. I'm thankful that I have a good family, a good home, good friends, and a good life. The fact that I have even the slightest feeling of what it would be to kill those I know is all the more of a fact of why I would never do that. The horror and guilt I felt welled up inside of me for days. My family was fine, my friends were okay, and I was a sane, and logical man again. Through this nightmare, I have learned to appreciate who I am, and who my friends and family are more knowing what I or anyone for that matter could become under severe mental trauma, problems and the likes. This nightmare might have been a scar, but for it to be there, reminds me of why joking around of killing so many people is not a joke. It is a horrifying and terrible thing which only results in pain.
I have never been more frightened than when...
first blog
I know this is super basic but I really don't even care. I think I speak on every teenage girl's behalf when I say that meeting the book character Augustus Waters from "The Fault in our Stars" by John Green would potentially be the highlight of my entire life. In both the book and the movie, Augustus is just the most perfect human being one could imagine. Sweet, funny, romantic, good looking. Like honestly, Augustus is the only thing I could ever want.
Friday, September 12, 2014
Three Goals
1.) Always have a positive attitude. While it's not always easy to stay optimistic, I think that this is a really important part of being happy.
2.) Never stop learning. Learning helps us understand the people, places, and ideas that surround us every day.
3.) Keep in contact with family and friends even when I'm older. I think that it's important to maintain the relationships we've had since we were young. I love my family and friends a lot, and want to stay close to them.
3 Goals
The three goals I have set for myself are: 1. Graduate from MSU with a business degree; 2. Get a job in Colorado and live there; 3. Own a BMW. Ever since I was born I was an MSU fan because both of my parents and other family members are graduates from MSU. Also, a couple years ago my brother graduated from MSU with a business degree. I love the MSU campus and I know their business program would give me many opportunities to start a successful career. Also, I have loved Colorado more than any other state since I was 3 and starting skiing. If I move to Colorado I could ski the best mountains in the world throughout the entire winter every year! Lastly, I believe that BMW's are the best cars made and would like to own one someday.
first blog
3 goals I have set...
If and when I raise a child...
First blog
First Blog
Describe a real nightmare
A few months ago I had a scary nightmare. I had just arrived home in my car when I noticed a man standing there in front of my garage door. I opened the door and asked him what he was doing, when he suddenly turned around and chased me. I immediately ran towards my front door and got inside just in time. The man began to pound on my door continuously, and I noticed it began to crack. Right when I turned around I noticed another man standing in the center of the room. At the same time the guy outside broke the door down. With in an instant both men tackled me to the ground, and I noticed that they were zombies. Right as they began to bite down I woke up. When I woke up my heart rate was super fast and I felt like my body temperature was 110. That is one of the most horrific nightmares I had experienced in my life.
Garlic Gum
First Blog
Chewing Gum
I highly enjoyed the garlic flavored chewing gum you graced me with 4th hour. My breath just smelled to good after my lovely lunch and you totally helped my mouth smell disgusting, and I thank you for that. Now I can go the rest of the day repelling people with just the scent of my mouth! Garlic is a totally underrated flavor of chewing gum and I hope in the near future people see the great effects it has.
So I thank you Heather,
Marissa Pease
Chewing gum
This is the worst thing you have ever done. Why on earth would anyone want garlic and onion flavored chewing gum. It is so repulsive and it makes your breath smell! Today was by far the worst day of my life thanks to you. I'm not even sure the smell will go away. I think we might need to take you to the doctors this is becoming an issue with you.
Maybe your friend Heather
Blog Number 1
753 BC Rome. I'd go back to ancient Rome because I've always been fascinated with ancient Rome. I would be a Roman soldier and train every day to become the best soldier in Rome. I would live every day on the edge and hope for the best when we would go to war
My hero
First Blog Post!!!
1. Design some gadget, machine, building, or other creation that might enrich the future. What does it look like? What does it do? How does it function? In what ways might it benefit people?
journal writing prompts
2. Write a thank you note to a friend who gave you onion and garlic-flavored chewing gum.
journal writing prompts
3. Draw an imaginary constellation. Write a story such as ancient people might have told about it.
4. Describe a real made-up dream or nightmare.
journal writing prompts
5. Write about your favorite childhood toy.
journal writing prompts
6. Write out the best or the worst day of your life.
7. Finish this thought: if I could change one thing about myself (if you can't think of anything, you might want to consider telling how you got to be perfect!)
8. If and when I raise children, I'll never...
9. I have never been more frightened than when...
10. Persuade a friend to give up drugs.
11. Five years from now, I will be...
12. Write about a day you'd like to forget.
13. Invent and describe a new food.
journal writing prompts
14. Describe an event that changed your life forever, or make up and describe an event that would change your life forever.