Sunday, November 9, 2014


The unit on polynomials has been the easiest for me so far. I enjoyed the long division problems and could do them and factor the answers pretty easily. The muddiest point of this unit for me was probably grouping!

Blog post

I feel pretty confident going into this week and getting my test back. I'm a little nervous on some of the long division problems though because if you make one tiny mistake then the whole thing is wrong. Other than that I think I did pretty good on the polynomials test and I'm hoping it all went well.
Marissa pease

farmer Ted

I feel like the test went well.  I still don't feel confident on farmer Ted. Why can't he learn to do the calculations on his own?


I felt really prepared for the polynomials test and when I got to it I just didn't understand why, but I kept drawing a blank.  I feel the best about grouping and long division. My DEV project is coming along very well and I feel that it will really help out my grade. 
I thought I did well on that test! Except I didn't finish it so I have to do that tomorrow. I am happy for the opportunity to retake the first test but I am a little nervous about it but I am going in for help. So far I am good.

blog post

The test went easier than I expected and I went into not knowing anything about the red sheet and it made factoring a cubic sooo much easier.  I feel like I did pretty good and the extra credit seemed really easy in comparison to the other extra credit problems.  I look forward to seeing how I did and hopefully I can find out by the end of the week.

Week 10

I know i screwed up on two problems on the front page of the test because I under thought them which is odd for me because I usually overthink. So please don't judge me when you grade those two problems... I know how to do them I just didn't follow the directions properly. Other than that I'm feeling pretty good on the test. This weekend shay, Sid and I worked on our project and it has been difficult trying to be creative and to get the answers we want. It is a lot of work in addition to all the other things I'm trying to balance and get done before exam week. 

week 10

The polynomial unit went well for me. I'm fine with long division but the grouping can be tricky sometimes. By tricky I mean that the problem can be factored further and I either forget to do it or
don't pick up on it right away.. if that makes any sense? Update on the DEV project: not far but I'm working on it.
Over all it was a pretty good week! I understood the content on this unit pretty well. I think I did pretty good on our test.  Atleast a lot better then my other two tests. I got pretty far on my final project! This unit was defiantly the easiest one that we have had so far. The only thing I struggled on a little bit was some factoring.

"Muddiest Point(s)"

When I walked into the classroom on Friday, I thought I was going to do really good on the test.  I felt like I knew the material really well.  The first couple of pages were good and I felt like I knew what I was doing.  But as I got further and further into the test, it seemed a lot harder and I felt stupid.  I have no idea how to do the Farmer Ted problem and when I ask other students for help they tell me that they don't understand either.  I used to never have to study for math and now I have to study all the time.  This class is easy when we're working together/individually but once I get to the tests I'm awful.  I don't think I'm a terrible test taker. Maybe I'm just stressing out too much.  I dunno....

Week 10

Grouping is something that just comes natural to me. But farmer ted still is a problem I could use more practice on. I feel slightly confident in the test but am still a little frightened to see the results as usual.

week 10

I love being challaged. What I enjoyed very much and thought was cool was the extra credit to the test we just had. It's a shame I couldn't mess around with it. Or have some time to really look at it an figure something out. I was late as it was.  I started it. And found out I made a mistake. By that time I realized about my mistake. It was to late to go back to try to fix it. I knew what I was supposed to do. But didn't have the time to try it. I'm glad you gave me that problem. I love being challenged. Thank you! :)

Week 10, Option 2

Well for the test I thought it was much easier than what I had been worrying about.  The questions in general were much simpler than what I had been stressing over and the test had me leaving much more relieved than when I had entered the room.  For starters though something that really helped relieve my stress was that his time I came into class with all my homework already organized so I did not have to worry and frantically organize those papers before class.  I had a little difficulty with the farmer ted problem, but I did rather well on everything else and even remembered for the inverse to not write f of x but the correct letter this time.  Also I really enjoyed the extra credit.  On the last test I had no idea how to do any of the extra credit, yet this time anyone could have done it with some work.  I rather enjoyed that since anyone could do it.  You didn't have to know things we had never been taught, you just had to know how to do the harder problems which was much nicer for me.  In general the whole test was much better than I had been worrying about.


Last week seemed to drag on; I guessed that can be considered a good thing since it seemed that I had a good amount of time before the test came around. But then it was finally Friday, and I took the test. I am not feeling as confident as I usually am for tests. This could just be because exams are coming up so I am freaking out, as per usual. I guess I can say that I understood everything for the most part. However, Farmer Ted is NOT my friend ( no offence). I did, though, enjoy that for factoring, we can group. That is actually really interesting that it works every time (not including when you solve and get imaginary solutions). Anyways, I am not ready for the DEV project, it intimidates me because it is worth so many points and is a lot of work. I do feel better about it (DEV) because I have an amazing group.

Blog post

This week was really long and the test kind of confused me but I think I actually did better on this one. I hope the last week before exams goes well. I got my fingers crossed.
This week, something that really made a lot of sense was the long division.  The factoring and was a little fuzzy, but other than that, the long division was understandable.  Factoring by grouping was pretty great too.

Week 10 Blog Post

This week was kind of a weird one for me. Currently, I feel like I have a pretty good grasp of polynomials and factoring, but now I can't remember the stuff we've learned in past units! To be honest, I'm starting to get really stressed out. I feel like I'm not absorbing the material as well as I should be, and I feel overwhelmed by everything that's going on! I have a lot to do in this class before the final exam, so this next week will be stressful, no doubt! I'm going to try to stay on top of things as best I can, manage my time more wisely, and try to make math a priority, which is sometimes hard to do because it's really not my favorite subject.

On a happier note, I feel like I've finally forced Farmer Ted to be my friend. I think (hope) we're cool, and I think I'm finally able to help him out with his fencing problems. I'm not really sure what happened, but something in my brain clicked and now I better understand those problems. So that was definitely a personal victory for me!

Week 10

I liked this unit. I found grouping easy and I liked long division. I thought the test was  good. I really want to know how to do the extra credit problem. I worked on that for a long time and I got to point where I wasn't sure how to go further.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

blog post

This week in class has been a struggle. I was totally lost when it came o factoring polynomials. Especially long division, but I continually watched the video you put onlinr until I figured it out. My favorite kind of fatiof factoring is grouping I find it really easy.

week 10

I thought I did really well on my polynomials test due to the amount of review and studyng i did. Shay, Tara and I are working on our D.E.V. project and it is really difficult to come  up with problems on my own. The explanations are really the longest process to go through.

Week 10

This week went pretty well. I thought the rest went pretty good. I'm feeling pretty confident. Sid, Tara and I are working on our DEV project and it is very hard to actually write the equations. But other than that it's going good!

what week is this i don't even

Ever had one of those moments where yo were just really tired?  Yeah.  That's me.
I just took another test that I probably failed, and I need to rethink my Dev project.  I can't really think of much an idea, but I'm sure I'll get there.  I do think I have one idea, actually.  That just makes my whole day better, knowing that I have single ray of golden hope in this class.  However, I must consider the fact that I may not get all of the help I wish for in the process of making it "eye-catching."

I don't even know which week this is.

The polynomial unit was by far the easiest unit to me. It helped me get a lot of earlier stuff that we learned, too. I feel like I learned a lot more about domain in this unit than I did in the first one, which is awesome. As for my grade, I will be retaking the first test and I'm doing test corrections so I'm excited to see my grade increase. I don't remember if I did a blog post this week and so that's why I'm doing one right now. Hopefully, I remembered correctly and I'm not doing two, but oh well. 

Blog post

This was probably my favorite unit of this class. I understood it the most of all of them. My favorite thing about the polynomials unit was grouping polynomials and long division. I think with this it also helped me understand the stuff we did in the first unit better because they are all ties together. 

Monday, November 3, 2014

week 9

I've been doing good,in class. This new unit is super easy. So after I bombed the last test I realized j need to come in. And figure some stuff out. And look over my test.

When do you want me to come in?

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Week 9

Grouping is a breeze, this weeks material seems to be relatively easy. The red sheet is incredibly intuitive,  and it has helped immensely. I'm ready to expand upon polynomials Monday.


Factoring by grouping helps me because it is giving me steps on how to break it down.  Having the ability to break a problem down into smaller steps aid my mind on answering a question.

Progress in class

I think this class is going well although I don't do well at all at tests despite I understand mostly everything that we study in class. Overall speaking I think this class is going pretty well and I don't have many problems in the class, except for the test results. Looking forward I hope I can fix that and I'm already looking forward to this week.

Blog post

This week has gone smoothly so far. The homework packets we have received have been easy to me and I'm happy that I'm finally able to completely understand something in this class! With the DEV project, test retake, and my new clear understanding of this unit I have faith that the rest of this tri will go well👍

Blog post

Well since we finally got into factoring and grouping, I really remember this from last year, and it was one of my strongest points, so I feel good that I remember this unit, I think I should get a good grade on this test, so I can make up for this last test