Thursday, September 24, 2015

Break a Leg

An event that changed my life forever was homecoming dance of junior year.
It all started with me seeing that a girl I fancied was there, so I wanted to dance with her. but the problem is, I didn't know how to dance. and so I went to a friend and asked him to teach me how to dance. he said,
"spin on your toes like this"
[insert flawless spinning here]
"that's the grippy part of my shoe but okay"
[insert destroying knee here]
[insert punching the floor here]
the next memory is waking up across the gym with about 11 people around me and flashing lights in my eyes.
they asked me if I needed to go the hospital, I should have said yes.
Would have saved time. And now I can't play sports on a team and have a scar that looks like a wrinkly wormy.
Moral of the story: Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.