Sunday, October 26, 2014

This unit is going pretty smoothly, and it seems pretty uncomplicated. That graphs are fun to draw but I am constantly getting mixed up on a positive and negative graphs and where to start them. I might have done my homework wrong and done all of them backwards but I'm still not sure.
tthis entire class has been pretty hard for me, but I think I'm understanding the material a bit better. im actually kind of excitedfor the DEV project because i get to be creative.

Blog post

This week I was very worried on how I did on the test. I never know how to feel about it because I think I did good but I always make little mistakes that mess up my grade. Moving on from the test, I actually really enjoyed math this week. The graphing is really easy right now but I know that as we move on in the unit it will start to get harder. I feel pretty confident so far about the little we have done with factoring but it's just the beginning. To finish off I would like to say I am actually pretty excited for the project. I think it's going to be challenging creating our own problems that work but I know it's not impossible. I think it's cool that we get to teach how to solve the problem and how challenging it actually is to go over all the points. With that said I look forward to the next week of math.
Marissa Pease

Week 8 - What I get

This week I really picked up the ideas of graphing and factoring polynomials.  I don't quite know why, but the ideas behind them really stuck in my head.  They just make sense.  The formulas for factoring were really easy to understand and the graphing was actually kinda fun!

Good week

This week was very good for me. I am making a lot of progress in learning what is going on and I am very excited. I have been really understanding the Mr. Jackson has been teaching. He has fully explained everything and it's all making sense. Although the test was difficult is was easier than the first one. All in all it was a pretty good week. 

reflection on these drawing graph things.

When drawing the graph things (×-3)^6 *(×+5)^3 that stuff<< it seems really simple and easy, but that's only because it's in factored form. I predict Jackson The Terrible is going to give us something similar to standard form and tell us to graph it w/o a calculator just to torture us.

Muddy point

i fell like I did well on the test earlier in the week. Then we got to the graphing polynomials and I was a little confused on how to find the powers. Then I realized it was easy and you add te powers up. Overall I understand it really well and get this unit

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Week 8

I felt like this week okay. The test was a little difficult but the graphing I really like I find it very easy.

Week 8 Option 2

Well I'm going to write this about the test day.  For starters, the day before and the morning of I was very anxious.  I had been worried about this test thinking that I would do rather poorly on the test.  Add to the fact that when class started and I was scrambling to get my papers in order, I had a little panic attack thinking my homework would be late since I turned it in a minute after class started.  So I go into the test wondering if my homework is late with the addition of the anxiety of the test and it was not a pleasant feeling.  But after I got the test and was going through it, I found it to be rather easy.  There was one problem that I was very confused at and racked my mind trying to figure out how to do it since it was barely covered in class and only looked at once or twice.  It was the what two values have a sum of like 388 or something and a difference of 388.  I am pretty sure I got the question correct, but other than that the rest of the test was rather easy.  The extra credit was a complete mystery to me but hopefully I won't need it.  And after the fact, my anxiety was even more relieved when I was told that my homework was not late.  Overall I think I was over worrying the test and the day was much better than I had thought it would be.

Week 8

This past week I felt super confident with the new material we learned. I remember all of the polynomial stuff we have went over so far and so it is super easy for me. Of course, I had a couple questions about the powers on the factors because I didn't remember everything, but I feel super confident about the unit so far and it's a good feeling. As for the test, I remember two specific questions I was confused on, which is a lot more than I can say about the previous tests. (one of them was the finding the max area of something, I didn't remember how to do it). Overall, this week was really beneficial for me and I feel like I have a pretty good understanding of everything that's going on currently. 

Week 8

This week I felt overall went really good! I felt pretty confident on the test. The only problem I didn't know how to do was an applied function question. Other than that I thought I could do the other problems. The new material, right now, is coming pretty easy to me. Hopefully that continues.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Week 8

It clicked with me last unit. I did muchg better on the test then the first unit but the one we are on right now is throwing me for a loop. I'm not understanding the concept of what we are trying to accomplish and how exactly to do it. I work on it at home and use diffrent websites but it's all going over my head.

Blog post

I was nervous for the test, but I studied hard for it! I feel "eh" about it. I was shaky on the perimeter/area stuff. I will probably come in to get help on that so I can fully understand it! I am nervous to find out my test grade. We started a new unit on Wednesday and I completely get it so far. I feel very confident about the polynomial graphs! I don't struggle with it at all and that makes me happy! 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Week 8- Reviewing the test

The test was much easier than I expected it to be. I'm not saying it was easy, but I felt much more comfortable taking this test than the last one we took. I feel very confident about quadratic radicands, as well as completing the square into vertex form and completing the square to find solutions. Factoring is also very easy to me. I'm still shaky about the Farmer Ted problems and I probably should've spent a little more time focusing on those. Overall, I feel like I did much better on this test rather than the previous one, and I am very antsy to find out my grade. Hopefully it's significantly better than the last one. 

Week 8 - Reflections

Reflecting on my progress so far in this class, I can say that I feel like I'm in a better place now than I was when the trimester started. In the quadratics unit, I think I kept up with the material fairly well and made sure to ask questions when I had them. I tried to look over my notes and I spent a long time studying and reviewing for the quadratics test. I think that it was helpful to do these things, and I felt more prepared and confident going into the test because of these things. I felt like the quadratics test went well, so hopefully my work will have paid off! In this coming unit, I will continue to ask questions, come in for help, and keep up with homework. One thing I think I can improve on is how often I look over my notes. What happened to me during this past unit was that I would understand a topic when we were working with it in class, but then I'd forget it if I didn't practice it. Looking over my notes more often will help keep everything fresh in my mind.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Week 8

Today I had a moment of clarity while working through my review packet. I finally understand completely completing the square. I remembered to multiply the "a" value on the outside of the parenthesis by the new "c" value to put on the other side of the equal side. I make sure I make the after taking the square root a plus or minus answer. I am getting the correct answers and it's making it easier to do problems with bigger "a" values.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Blog post for last week

Well my personal muddiest point was with the farmer bob problems and getting maximum or minimum from specific equations. My mind is going blanc while looking at the problems. I looked over my previous notes and just do not understand what I did or was doing. Hopefully in class we will go over one and my mind blank will be gone and I will understand and remember how to do these problems. 

P.S.  Sorry for forgetting to get it written on time. Excuses are excuses and I really should not say one for I had the whole week to get it done. Overall it is my fault that I didn't do it and that is the bottom line. Sorry for not doing it on time. This experience will remind me never to forget a blog post again. 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

blog post

This week went very well for me! I feel as though a lot of the things we did in class were helpful and productive! I feel prepared for the test on Tuesday :)

Week something idk

This week has gone pretty well. Factoring quadratics is really easy to me and I'm happy that things are starting to make more sense. I attempted the review but there were still some things that I didn't understand so I will probably just get some extra help tomorrow and ask to go over a couple problems in class. 

Blog post

I thought this week went pretty good. I've gotten a lot better at factoring quadratics and completing the square. Before the test I need to make sure I understand the applied functions. I struggle with that the most. Also, I need to review what I did wrong on the last test so I don't get that wrong again.

Week 7: Muddiest Point

I think this week went great and I'm really happy how this class is going so far. My muddiest point is still the diamond shape for factoring, although I think it's not necessary since I like the "guess-and-check"-method way better and i have way more fun using it. Furthermore I hope this weeks test will go well.

blog post

While doing the review, I realized that this test isn't going to be easy. I feel like the application of multiple functions is going to be my struggle spot. I plan on asking questions on it tomorrow

Week 7

The new content this week has all been easily comprehensible, and radicand quadratics were much easier than they first seemed. I really enjoy factoring, it's particularly fun. I hope that upon reviewing the review on Monday, everything is going as smoothly as I think it has.

math are hard

math are real hard.

I hate that I have to work after school because that's when it would be best for me to come in and get help, since I don't function in the mornings because I don't get sleep because after work in the evenings I have to do things like laundry and feed myself and then try to do homework I don't understand.. so it's extremely difficult. I did, however, spend some time with Jay Bard and she helped me some, but I need a lot of TLC in this class because math are hard and I want to quit when it's something that isn't really easy for me.

weekly blog post.

I love functions. It's so much fun. And expanding your mind looking at problems differently is nice. Knowing there's not always a straight foreward answer to everything. But you have to search for it. I'm looking foreward to what I learn next.

Blog post 7, maybe

So this past week has been relatively easy to understand, conceptwise. Completng squares and solving quadratics have become a breeze and factoring is no longer a struggle at all. This next test that we are going to have is going to go fantastically! The only thing I might mess up on is converting an equation to and from vertex form to standard form. Otherwise, the material makes perfect sense!

Weekly Blog Post

The quadratics we've been learning are relatively straight forward but the only thing I don't like is how the only way to factor quadratics is through guess and check or the diamond method.  I wish there was an algorithm that could be used to solve them.  If there is but it's really complicated I would really like to try to learn it!

as a student who needs you

This past week seemed like alot tbh. But all we did was review. Just seems like you hand us a packet everyday and during class it feels like we go through one warm up problem for like the first 45 mins of the class. I feel like your teaching is kinda reversed. Like you give us a hard problem as warm up and kinda basic ones on the homework. Challenge us more on the hmwrk and instead of going straight to hard problems in the beginning of class maybe thats when you want to hit the basics of the "sorta hard" like level 2 problems. Also i feel like your dragging your teaching out too much,  for example,explaining things for too long! Im not saying dont explain at all, but maybe keep things basic and not so hard to comprehend maybe? A reason for that would be near the last part of class ... our "alone" time of working, YOU should want that to be longer than 15 mins, maybe 30 mins! So we can try to solve problems and ask you (in person) questions and maybe some of our peers could speak in on some strategies. Just the way you use your time of teaching might be more efficient. Im probably not speaking on behalf of the class but Im just speaking my mind. I just rather have more time at the end of class to work on problems and be able to ask you questions without having little time near the end and possibly coming in after or before school.  And maybe more brief, efficient explaining on your part?

Weekly blog post

I think this week went pretty well. I was understanding the content more and more each day and it just started to click and it was really nice. I'm still a little iffy on the applied functions stuff but other than that it was good.


this week when we learned about quadratic radicands, everything just completely clicked for me. its so relieving finally absolutely 100% understanding a concept when throughout this whole trimester, ive been a little clueless. it was just something fresh and i loved how it was taught to us. this is gunna save my butt on the test.