Sunday, November 2, 2014

Week number 9

This past week has gone rather smooth mathwise. Factoring functions with groups is interesting and challeging. The area box model makes factoring a lot easier as I have realized from the previous homework. The only thing left to accomplish is this DEV project.

Week 9

Class has been good. Last week went pretty smooth. I understand how to group the polynomials and the factor factor factor sheet wasn't bad. It's also nice that Jackson is allowing us to retake our quadratics test, I think it'll be super helpful. 
I personally feel pretty comfortable with this unit. it's not too difficult. with the test makeup and corrections that I get to do, I feel like Im really gunna be able to learn what I couldn't understand earlier. im feeling very confident in being able to finally bring my grade up.

Week 9

This week was pretty easy for me! The polynomial unit hasn't been too bad yet! I liked the stories on Friday it was a good way to end the week!

Another week...

I'm very thankful that I wil get a chance to retake the first test. I think that I will do way better on it. This week in class when we started learning about different functions  I was really confused but I think I'm really getting the hang of it along with the graphing.
well well well.. another week of fun and adventures in functions has flown by, I know how to graph polynomials and I feel pretty good about that. I don't know for sure how I'm going to come up with the problems for the DEV project. But I'm working with Brytni a few times a week and it seems to be helping. I'm hoping that when I get this review I can do well on the first test re-take.

Particular Day

When we got our tests back, I was kind of nervous due to the fact that I didn't do so well the last test. However, I felt like I had done a much better job.  Anyway, when I got the test back I saw that I had actually gotten a fairly good grade!!! Sure there were a couple mistakes but I was happy because I feel like I can get back on track and boost up my grade before the tri is over.  Also, I think it was the same day (maybe I'm wrong) but we learned how to group quadratics and I really like this new concept because it's fairly easy and really fun to do! I'm kinda excited to learn about the long division with polynomials because it looks challenging and fun.

im trynna stay with ya

This past week had gone pretty smooth. I wasnt there on Friday and your sent out a message about watching a video so I know that when I come back I'm going to be super confused. Well, this big project that we are doing is making me suprr nervous. Idk everything is going too fast for me. I just wish there were 8 days a week (5 school days and 3 weekend days). Alot is being thrown around in all my classes and it sucks cause no one likes to be behind! Maybe im taking on too much? Ugh I just hope things fall into place.


I am, for the most part, understanding everything learned in this new unit. I understand factoring, solving, grouping polynomials, etc. I am nervous about the long division of this unit that's coming up but feel as if I look over notes enough, I'll hopefully know how to do it

Week 9

Although the function basic and quadratic units didn't really click with me, this factoring polynomials unit is really starting to make sense. Greatest common factor is incredibly useful.

week 9

This week was very easy going for me. I picked up on everything well but still think I need more practice. I particularly enjoyed the Halloween scary stories that were told.

This week in class I didn't really understand the factoring until the end of the week then I kinda started to understand it's still confusing

Week 9

The stuff we learned at the beginning of the week is still a little rough. I tried working on it while I was gone but comming back from missing 3 days is terrifying and I'm going to need a lot of help! 

Week 9, option 1

Well actually my muddiest point came from today's video.  I can understand the whole long division thing rather well.  It seems very simple, the only problem I am seeing is the whole starting value.  From the video I have no idea how you got that number.  It was not really explained, it just appeared and you said you did some sort of formula.  I will probably be able to understand it so long as you go over it on Monday.  Again I understand how to do the long division, but I don't know how you found the x=0.  Do I just plug it into my calculator? Is there some sort of formula?  I just could not see where you got the x intercept variable.   

Blog post

This week we started working on our projects on Monday and it went pretty well. Then we were introduced to factoring polynomials. I didn't think it was that bad but the grouping got me a little confused. As we practiced more the grouping became easier and I like doing it! Friday was an easy day but I feel like it was needed for a lot of people. It's nice to have a break once in a while.

Week 9

I thought this week went very well. I am very happy with how my test went. We had our meeting after school to see what I need to review for my retake of the first test and I'm excited to improve on my score. I struggled on the last question of homework so I need to ask for help tomorrow on it. 

Blog Post

The factoring we have been doing has helped me understand momentum problems in physics. I look forward to learning more about factoring methods and the grouping method has helped me very much.

week 9

All of my lightbulbs are completely burned out. I've accepted the fact that I'm going to fail this class. What else can I do? I can have the material explained to me a million times and I still won't understand. This class is for smart kids. I'm just average.


I'm done.  I've had it with this class.  I bombed another test because of dozens of stupid mistakes.  I had a perfect plan to make an awesome project, but it turns out what everybody told me was possible is apparently not possible without blowing 20 dollars.  I'm just done.  I want to just be done trying in this class.
This unit is not easy but it's not too complicated. I'm getting the hang of it and grouping is coming easier to me.

Week 9

Grouping is coming really easy to me! I am understand the concept well and can apply it to the exercises we have. I'm also happy with the test grade I got! I thought I could have done a little better, but I know the majority of what to do.

9th Post

So I'm really understanding grouping and it's much easier to do the warm up problems. I'm happy with the test I got back because it's not the worst I've done. I'm so glad we get to retake the first test and that we can still do test corrections!

Sad moment

Well I got my test back this week and did much worse than I thought I did. I felt more confident about it than my grade showed. I'm a little confused on this weeks concept of grouping but I'm sure i will get the hang of it. My grade is going up in the class though and that's all I can ask for. 
This week's lightbulb came with factoring polynomials. It's actually kinda fun.  Finding the greatest common factor, combining the two equations, and combining the two GCF's makes a lot of sense.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

week 9

This week went a lot better than the others have gone! I was very happy with my test score! Also the material that was taught this week came easily to me. Im really glad we have the opportunity to retake the first test. I feel like now that we went over my mistakes I will be able to do better than I did. Thank you for letting us retake this test, you are saving my grade!

Week 9- new unit

I'm feeling a lot more comfortable with the polynomials unit than I thought I would. I know how to factor and graph polynomials pretty well, and the previous quadratic unit is probably why it makes so much sense to me. The test for this unit is obviously gonna be challenging, but I don't think it's anything that I can't handle at this point. 
This week went alright. At first I was struggling with the grouping factoring but I have a hold of it now. We worked on a lot of factoring and I am getting a lot more comfortable with that the more we do it.  My test grade was not what I thought it would have been because I felt a lot more comfortable then I did the first test. I will have to just study even more for this next test.

tests handed back

I am quite happy with the results of the last test.  It was such an improvement from the last one.  I think it will be all uphill form here. :)

A Second Chance

A retake on the first test? Just what I needed. I excited and happy to have a second chance!

Blog post 9

I am feeling okay with the factoring with groups stuff that we are doing now. I am nervous for long division though. I feel like it is going to be very hard. I thought I was going to get a much better grade on my test than I did, but I am glad that you gave us the option to retake our first test and still have a test correction for another test! I really need that!