Monday, November 17, 2014

DEV Project

My website for my DEV Project is:

The project itself I felt was fairly hard, because making up problems from scratch is not an easy thing to do at all.  I re-did every single problem six or seven different times, and even then, when I was recording myself teaching, I still found errors and I would have to re-start all over again.  Throughout the trimester, my grade struggled, pretty much the entire time.  But this class wasn't really about the material for me, I learned a lot of super awesome teaching philosophies that I will be able to apply later in life when I become a teacher myself.  I learned that sometimes you can try and still fail, and I learned that is it perfectly okay to fail, too.  This class was by far the most intellectually stimulating one I have ever taken, and I know how my test scores made me look, but if I understood the material eventually, I wasn't concerned with my grade like I probably should have been.  I wasn't super on top of things, and I'll admit that, but I learned a lot of really important things that can apply to more than just a math class and I am so thankful I stuck it out for twelve weeks.  It's kind of a bittersweet ending, as most trimesters are, but I'm glad I had this opportunity.  I think that learning anything is better than not learning anything at all, and so this class was beneficial to me in more than one aspect.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your hard definitely showed here that you no much more than any test could ever show!
