Monday, November 17, 2014


the reason I chose these concepts, was because there are the building blocks. You have to know there problems inside and out to be able to go onto harder problems and start adding harder stuff to these basic problems to make them more complex. Understanding these key concepts help you solve the more complex problems you will face further on. These problems provide an overview of what I have learned because with these basics. I have been able to understand how these problems are solved using different functions. So when harder equations pop up. I already have an understanding of how to solve it, I just have to think outside of the box and combine everything I have learned into one in some way to figure out or find the correct answer. This assignment did help me. For me to completely be happy with the problems I am dealing with. I have to know them inside and out. Explaining them to other people breaks down the problem into different parts which helps the teacher better understand the problem along with the student. Listening to it is one thing. Teaching it is another. You have to get your head wrapped around concepts in order to fully explain it.

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